The Brocton Republican Party endorses Larry Novak and Jeanie Falcone for State committee. In the failure to come to events, was the reason for the non endorsement of the Diehls.

Novak and Falcone endorsed over rivals Diehl's.

The Brockton Republican Party broke ranks and endorsed Novak for State Committee and Falcone over the incumbents.

Novak has served as vice-chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party, treasurer, and city chairman of the Brockton Republican Party.

The Diehl's, husband and wife, received no votes and were not nominated from the floor. Novak, who serves as Chairman of the Group, received a unanimous vote, and Alan David Greene made a motion to support Novak and Falcone. The ward committees met and voted wards 1-7 for Novak and Falcone, stating that Diehl's had never been to the City Committee. Mr. Greene said we cannot forget that Diehl's have failed to do their job.

The Diehl has failed to attend meetings. TheDiehlscould not hold meetings or communicate with members of the Brockton City Committee. The Diehls were unable to participate in or donate to City Committee Functions. The Diehl's failed to organize the committees their primary function.

Brockton compromises more than 60% of the Senate District. Brockton makes up 77% of the active town committee. Have endorsed Novak and Falcone